Recently Nanban has fimed at Bharath Engineering College where imporatant class room scenes involving Vijay, Jeeva and Srikanth.Director Shankar picturised a song on the lead pair in which Vijay looks like a warrior and Illeana as an Anjel.This song to a dream song of VIjaya and Illeana in Nanban movie.Shankar has informed that Nanban has wrapped up its 60 % of shooting along with climax portion of the film.Crucial scenes also been canned at outdoor locations.
Shankar said that the completed shooting portion of the film is also undergoing its editing process and even the dubbing work is also going on simultaneously. Nanban movie has a final long schedule which is said to kick start its shooting from the next week by which movie shooting gets finished.
Hence we can except that Nanban movie will get ready for Diwali release..